Friday, December 2, 2011

1 Week

One ago today Reese was born!

Here are some pics from the past couple of days.  I attempted to update sooner but we had a crazy night Wednesday night and I am just now feeling like myself again.  Sleep deprivation. Sigh.  Thankfully she slept 4 and then 3 hours last night with only one feeding!  I am anxious to see how tonight goes.  She has grown leaps and bounds (which could have something to do with the CONSTANT feeding sessions we are having.  She eats then crashes on me, fills her diaper, wakes up, and wants to eat again.  It’s an interesting schedule she has already put herself on.  Very efficient!

Few pics from the past few days….

We had a little tummy time Wednesday and it went south quick.  She is not a fan.  This is the ONLY way John Parker would lay.  The first pic she is looking tortured but she sent herself over the “barrier” I made with her blanket.  Too funny.  Second pic is what she did during her tummy time.

Content sleeping on her side….

Wednesday afternoon mom watched Reese between feedings so I could go pick up John Parker.  I was anxious (not only because I wanted to see my kid but also leave the house and see other humans) to go get him because he wanted to stay home with me that day but I knew I could not handle the two of them just yet.  He wants me to constantly pick him up (which I am not suppose to do yet) and wants me to put Reese down to play with him.  I still have lots to figure out. 

Once we got in the car at the sitters we headed to McDonald’s for a little bribe since I am still on his bad list.  Once we were sitting in the drive through it hit me that when we got home I would be alone for the first time with a two year old and a 5 day old.  Gulp.  It never crossed my mind that it would happen at that moment.  I have to admit it was funny yet scary since John Parker is living in his own bubble, with a mind of his own right now and I have another kid that is demanding I feed her constantly.  It was a very eye opening moment!  Tonight we did have a break through.  I read to him while I fed Reese.  Multi-tasking at its best! 
On a side note:  I did have my camera ready to snap my pic of “Jimmy Huff” working at the Dexter McDonalds but apparently he wasn’t working the window that day.
Bonding time….

Tonight we had a MAJOR breakthrough…..

Then he said “all done” and he was right back into Elf on the Shelf Chippey movie.  Something we have watched every day at least 3 times a day.  It’s Extravaganza ‘Lorious (you totally have to watch it 100 times like we have to understand it)!  Luckily he is associating Chippey with our Elf of the Shelf and I can use our Elf who is now named “Chippey” as a pawn for things we need him to do.  Chippey is currently sitting in our Christmas tree warding off a 2 years old and it’s working.  Too bad they don’t have Chippey’s for all holidays.

A few funny things that John Parker has done lately.  When we are giving too much attention to his little sister he will come walking through the house without his pants on.  So random and a little too Will Ferrell.  Perhaps some counseling with Pastor Phil will resolve this.  When I get my breast pump out he always wants to try it out.  Today when I was feeding Reese he pulled up his shirt and told me he wanted to feed her.  I told him that’s very kind but he didn’t have right equipment and she could potentially starve.  When I am feeding Reese and he walks in the room he will run up to us and say “hot Reese, hot!”  Too funny!
We are learning a lot being parents of two.  Our tag teaming tactics are working and we feel on top of our game at this point.  hee hee.  Thankfully we are surrounded by a wonderful family that is willing to help.  We are eating up every moment with these two kiddos!Winking smile

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