Saturday, July 23, 2011

This week…

This has been a crazy week.  Greg has been out of town since Monday for work.  First, he went to North Carolina to work golf then off to Florida for job bidding.  I’ll be honest I was really nervous being “alone” and pregnant all week since I know how exhausted and “pregnant” I feel at the end of each day (like 5:00) expecially after just getting home for vacation.  I'm a wimp.  Our normal routine during the day is play, swim, eat, nap, play, daddy is home…play with daddy…pregnant mom cleans up and rest.  Well the second I heard Greg was going out of town FOR A WEEK I knew that “rest” part would change.  It did.  I know…grumble…blah blah.  But I am very dependent on Greg.  They are the biggest buddies and love to hang out, which gives me moments of sanity and focus on taking care of #2.  I also knew he would ask where daddy was all week. 
Monday was eventful in the morning because we went to Ma and Pa’s and helped put up sweet corn.  This is something I’ve done since I was YOUNG but I really thought the pregnant mom would get sympathy this year….nope.  My job was to pull the silks off each cobb, better than shucking.  No complaints….I enjoy my time visiting  with my grandparents while we put the corn up, just as much as I love eating it.SmileJohn Parker created his own job…soaking everyone with the water hose.  I was planning to leave John Parker at Ma and Pa’s so I could unpack from vacation but he was MELTing down…I think he was just trying to get back to normal after vacation so we came home and had a low key afternoon waiting on Greg to get home from work before he had to eat a quick bite and head to STL to catch his plane.  No pics from this day….we were too busy I guess.  It was hotter on this day than any other day we were at the beach!
Tuesday was playgroup at Will’s house.  Tuesday was HOT.  Will and JP playing golf.  I tried to take more pics but by the time I grabbed my camera everyone was winding down.  A glimpse into what the future holds for these two….

Wednesday was a busy day getting the house ready for remodeling/painting.  The lady who is painting John Parker’s big boy room called Sunday and said she could squeeze us in this week.  Our house was torn apart all week…of all weeks.  John Parker even had to sleep with me one night because the fumes were strong, which went about as well as one could imagine.  His poor unborn sister.  On Wednesday Mom watched JP off and on throughout the day so I could get things ready for the painter.  I spent wayyyy more time picking out light cover switches, closet doors, and carpet than I would like to admit.  Here are some pics of the bathroom we are also redoing, since I already posted some pics of bedroom….the gold fixtures are GOING away..whoo hoo!!!!  Wednesday was HOT.

By Thursday morning I had this extreme spurt of energy (could have been my iced coffee) so at 9 I thought John Parker and I would go outside, water plants, pull weeds, and just get the yard back together from being gone on vacation.  We were in by 10 with mild heat strokes and kid #2 was sitting dancing on my sciatic nerve.  I could walk only at a turtle pace…which does not come in handy when your #1 child is part cheetah.  I did make it with only God’s help and the ingenuity of laying on the couch while Caroline and JP entertained each other.  That night I had a nice little break from JP when my grandparents and dad (along with Caroline) took the kids to Cowboy Church (a outreach ministry through our church..literally for cowboys…in a barn….dirt….horses…etc). I then went to a ministry thank dinner for Casey (Hyten) Sludder.  It was so great seeing her and catching up.  I did not take one pic, I was so busy visiting.  Casey and her husband Jacob are in college missions and work with Campus Outreach in Peoria, IL.  She is one of my dear friends from college and she was an AGD with me.  Did I mention that it was also hot this day???
Friday morning was another paint day so John Parker went to play with his cousin in the morning so I could run more house errands.  That afternoon Krystal (my roommate from college) came to visit.  She brought her son Christian.  We had the best time catching up and I would have given anything for her to leave that precious child with me.  Ugh I could eat him up with a spoon!  She is a professor in Finland (the country…although in MO I am sure there is a town called Finland, MO).  I just love visiting with my roomie….even though we hardly see each other…we always pick up just like one of us walked back in the door from class (her coming back from class WAYYYY more than me….hee hee).  It’s been many years of wonderful friendship!  I love ya Krystal and cannot wait to see you and that PRECIOUS son again!
After they left we went back to Gi Gi’s and Pa Pa’s to spend the afternoon/night playing with Caroline.  They ran and played the entire time.  I took John Parker home kicking and screaming…that’s after he bit his Gi Gi.  Ugh!  A little throw back to our 1 year old days???? I blame it on his father being gone this week.
I love the previous blurry picture because it sums up C and JP’s relationship…running at a high rate of speed chasing each other.  Notice JP in the background.  Hee hee.
Previous pic:  This is how I kept John Parker happy all week.  When he started asking where daddy was I told him he was flying in an airplane (which tickles him to death).  So every time he would mentioned dad he would say “dad, air” and point to the sky.  I think he did that 3,000 times from Monday until Saturday morning.  This is a picture of John Parker pointing to the sky when he spotted a really high airplane (I would have never noticed it otherwise it was soooo high).
Looking back this week was unpredictable, fun, and also made me even more grateful for you Greg!  You are the greatest father and husband.  Welcome home….your son will be shadowing you all weekend.  He missed you like crazy!
Just to give an example of how awesome my husband is….after getting home late last night and traveling for the past two week….as we speak they are already (this Sat morning) at the farm riding Pa Pa’s new gator with C!  I am childless…without errands to run….I’m not even sure what to do!
Coming soon…VBS week!

1 comment:

The Vaught's said...

So glad to see you blogging! Miss you guys!