Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Timmy Tarbutton

We have a new mascot. 
We call him a mascot because if he’s a pet…he stays. If he’s a mascot then he can’t live with us.  Mascots just represent the family and live in the wild, returning to our home to help promote family spirit.  This is what Greg and I have adopted in our policies and procedures.  It can be used with most animals such as (and not subject to) wild cats, dogs, frogs, etc.  It’s ironic that our first family mascot is a turtle since we claim to be a family of fast people (well me…not sure about the other two…most stolen bases 1997).  This is a farm turtle.  Dad stopped shelling corn to bring him in 10 MILES to John Parker.  This is the second turtle that he has brought to our home.  True story…my father BARELY made it to my birth because he was too busy cutting wheat and couldn’t steal himself away from providing America with food to watch his second child be born.  Sigh.
This is John Parker and his turtle posing. I asked him to pose with his turtle and he flipped out telling me NO.  Then I bribed him.  These are completely fake poses.  As soon as I finished he ran off.  He is only touching the turtle for added drama. 
Other pics from the past few days….
My first day of school, his first day at Miss Tonya’s.  It was harder on us than him.  The transition has been totally different but thankfully right now he is still staying with mom and grandma a couple days a week so he is still getting grandma interaction along with some quality kid time.  This is will make sending him off to a sitter sooo much easier when Reese is here!
Train time!  Notice the socks.  He is very  into wearing socks every since the Mayos came over one day after riding their bikes and had their socks/tennis shoes on.  So if they come in the house or he is about to head to bed, he needs sss-ocks.  He rolls the s.  Very Russian.
Bath time.  Notice the empty tub.  He becomes very difficult to get out especially when it’s me and my belly.
Playing in his big boy room but still not sleeping.  He enjoys the goods in the room but refuses to sleep in the bed.  He still wants his crib.  We’ve tried it all short of locking him in the room.  Looks like he’s going to be sleeping with his sister.
Eating cookies for breakfast.  This is not in our policy.
I asked Greg to take a picture of  me and John Parker before church and this is what I get.  Very Olan Mills-ish.
When I was running his bath water he climbed into the closet and into his clothes basket.  This is where he stayed until his bath was ready.  Wish I could lounge in a dark closet while someone prepared my bath.
The theme of our life lately has been change!  Being back at school is a huge change and it does not feel like the beginning of the year since I do not have a class full of kids.  I love my new position and finally had small groups for the first time today.  I cannot wait until we get into a set routine with our title kids.  Greg has been busy with work…saving the world one construction project at a time.  This weekend is the annual skeet shoot with a bunch of buddies.  He’s totally pumped.  Really his only change is that I work again and he now has to step up his help with “chores” around the house.  John Parker’s biggest changes are going to the sitter and he is talking up a storm.  We can understand every 3 words but that does not slow him down.  We are pretty sure he is making fun of us under his breath.  Another change for him is the new Scottish accent…he says things such as LLLLL-ock.  Rolling his tongue every time he says it.  Of course we think it’s impressive and have him say it over and over.  I am instilling great word skills with my own child.  Hee hee.

1 comment:

Jessica said...

Sweet pictures! Harbor loves his socks, too- he would go naked with socks to the grocery store if I said it was fine by me. : )