Monday, July 18, 2011

Day 7 & 8 (Friday/Saturday): Last Days of Vacay

This is what we spent our last morning eating….ahhh.  We ate at Another Broken Egg in Baytowne and it was wonderful!!! 
Saying goodbye to the fish and the fountain which both got a lot of our change…
One last pic of what JP did the entire time we walked in from the parking garage…he would hide behind something (while saying “hide, hide, hide”) and jump out to scare the last person coming through the door.
Caroline & Jill seeing us off…
We left at 2:30 on Friday and drove to Jackson MS that night.  We stayed at the Hilton where they were having a family reunion….bongo band and all…we were exhausted but our son was completely entertained.  I “slept” in a bed with John Parker so Greg could sleep in order to drive us home safely.  I was kicked (as was his sister) and pushed to the edge of the bed ALL night.  It was a long night so I was relieved when we left Jackson 7:30 Saturday morning and we were home by 2:00ish.  John Parker was a trooper!   It was a wonderful vacation & we had so much fun watching Caroline and John Parker playing together.  It was hard traveling with a toddler but we figured it out as we went and still had a wonderful time.  It was a great trip and we have already started planning vacation 2012!  Thanks mom and dad...we love you!!!!
As soon as we got home we started on this project…..
Big boy room coming soon!

1 comment:

Erika Slaughter said...

I loved all your Sandestin posts!! We've gone there twice for a vacation and are planning a return in 2012. We LOVE Another Broken Egg Cafe as well!! It was so fun looking at all your pics of places we love! ha! The last time we were there Ebby Lee was 5 months old and it was SO hard at the beach with her. Hopefully, next summer they'll be old enough to love it!! So excited for you guys and this baby girl! Also...I promise the next time we're in MO, we'll call you. I forget and then afterwards, I'm like...Ugh...why didn't we get a hold of them??!!