Tuesday, December 8, 2009


Well...three months later. My list of excuses might be too long so bottom line: the last thing I want to do at the end of a busy day is blog...I want to spend time with my baby, I just haven't had the desire to blog! From the time I walk in the door from school my afternoon does not stop until I hit the bed. The only reason I am blogging right now is that I am home with the FLU and completely bored out of my mind! Yes, I have the flu. It's pretty sad that I am stuck at home childless and that's the only way I can catch up on my blogging. My New Year's resolution is to blog more so I can keep up with all the events in our lives. John Parker has changed so much over the past three months!

Fun pics of John Parker...

The following two pictures make me laugh because in the first one John Parker looks so mad because Caroline (who looks so happy) jumped on the couch for the picture...

Looks so happy as she jumps off the couch...ahh cousins:)

Hanging out with his Grandma Betty and Pop after church.

Sitting in the exer-saucer. We've graduated to no pillow!

John Parker's first surprise party. This is Abby. She is a great friend of ours. She is one of the most talented and beautiful people inside and out. She LOVES John Parker and he LOVES her. They get to spend time together in the nursery at church. Abby turned 18 and we got to attend her surprise party. Ironically it wasn't only JP's first surprise party but also Greg's. Greg had no concept about how a surprise party works. Both enjoyed the party and now Greg asks me several times a week if he's getting a surprise party for his birthday. ;)

Sitting up and rolling over like a big boy!

John Parker-You weighed 17 pounds at your last doctor visit. You sit up solo and like to roll around on your pallet all the time. You squirm your way around the floor and will go after anything that is not toy like. I am pretty sure you will just skip the whole crawling activity and just continue worming your way everywhere because you probably get there more quickly your way! You laugh, babble, smile, toot, grunt, and raise one eyebrow (gets that from me) often. You are a happy little man that would still go with the UPs man if we would let you;) You no longer sleep through the night and like to get up once MOST nights for a bottle. You like rice cereal FINALLY and will suck down a 6oz bottle in no time. If I get up with you then you want to play and will not go back down, so lucky for us your daddy likes the early morning shift while I take the late night shift. You LOVE your daddy BUT will cry if I leave the room (most days;) . We love you and you are a wonderful baby!

Caroline's Birthday
Caroline turned 2 on October 30th. It's hard to believe our beautiful little niece is already 2 years old! It seems like yesterday my sister was telling me she was pregnant! We love you Caroline and are so excited that John Parker has a spunky cousin to grow up with!

This is John Parker at the birthday party...no he didn't wear that hat but someone put it on him and he didn't seem to mind because he was so busy playing with his balloon.

Caroline "Wonder Woman" licking the icing off her birthday cake.

John Parker was a horse/cow for Halloween. We thought it was horse like (with a horse soundmaker in the hoof of the costume) but many people corrected us and said he looked more like a cow. No matter what he was...it was cute and we are pretty sure JP is allergic to certain fabrics because he broke out in small bumps every time we put this adorable yet highly dangerous cow/horse outfit on him.

Halloween pj's that I am pretty sure I left in SC. We cannot find them anywhere so I am happy I found this pic on my camera! I bought these long before John Parker was born. I think they are so cute;)

Our family at the church fall festival.

We celebrated John Parker's first Thanksgiving at my parents. Grandma and Grandpa Deardorff, The Domyans, and The Cox family were all in attendance. JP tried his first taste of Gi's mashed potatoes. He approved. He's a potato lover just like his momma:0)

John Parker getting fed by his Aunt Jess. He can't eat because he is preoccupied with her lipstick. Those Texans must wear bright lipstick;)
With my younger but much taller cousins Garrett and Heath.

We FINALLY bought John Parker a highchair. I'm sure that categorizes us a neglectful parents but we have been using a booster seat since he has been able to sit up. It worked great but this thing is so much fun to see JP sit in...he LOVES it! He also looks so tiny sitting in it.

trying to escape

Baby Dedication Service
This past Sunday we dedicated John Parker at our church. We made a commitment (along with our church) to raise our son in a Christian home. This is something Greg and I knew we wanted to do just picking the right date was the issue.

Hanging with Gi before the service.

Pastor Phil praying for John Parker at the dedication. Pastor Phil did a wonderful job. To be honest I can hardly remember half of it because I was so worried that John Parker was going spit up all the milk he drank before the dedication. He didn't spit up his milk but he did pull the microphone off Pastor Phil, broke my necklace, kicked his feet, look at all the lights (see below pic) and belched REALLY LOUD all during the dedication. Ahhh sigh of relief that is over!
Hanging out with Pa Pa at lunch.

Dedication attendees after lunch at Cowtown.

Wow that was a lot and there is still more to come. I guess I overloaded the blog and it wouldn't allow me to download anymore pics....


RobinVZ said...

SOOOO Glad you blogged! We miss John Parker and can't wait to get these boys together again! Lets plan that soon!

Mickey and Jessica said...

Thanks for the update!! I was beginning to give up on yall...John Parker has grown so much and is sooo precious!! Hopefully we will get to see you guys over the holidays!!